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Task-related software application training

Q-DAS provides specific software application training for different target groups based on Q-DAS software products. These training courses include classical hands-on seminars and the education of product experts, but also training for software administrators enabling them to maintain and manage Q-DAS software.
Q-DAS never stops enhancing their software products to best support users in their individual tasks. The software application training we offer perfectly suits specific tasks or user groups.

Basic requirement for proper machine acceptance or an appropriate process analysis is the established capability of the applied measuring equipment.
This seminar shows you how to apply different methods of measurement system analysis in solara.MP and destra. You visualise evaluation results in consideration of various company guidelines and pick up some useful tips and tricks on handling files and databases

Most of the methods of measurement process capability provided by VDA Volume 5 and ISO 22514-7 can only be applied with the help of computers.
Learn how to use the methods for determining measurement system and measurement process capability in solara.MP. The seminar also shows you how to visualise evaluation results and how to consider different company guidelines.

It is crucial to master statistical methods and suitable software to perform machine performance studies and process capability analyses efficiently.
This seminar teaches you how to conduct machine performance studies and process capability analyses in qs-STAT. You gain necessary background knowledge of efficient data storage and are able to comprehend evaluation strategies and associated evaluation results.

procella facilitates data recording. A qualified procella key user is thus necessary to configure the software in a way that it best meets the requirements of your individual applications and measuring tasks.
This seminar offers in-depth knowledge of data recording. You learn how to configure a task-related graphical user interface including required functionalities. It also explains how to handle databases, apply the user management and use the Q-DAS ASCII transfer format.

We also offer advanced training courses focusing on specific software products or on specified tasks, such as

  • qs-STAT key user
  • evaluation strategies in qs-STAT
  • evaluation strategies in solara.MP
  • Form Designer in qs-STAT, solara.MP and destra
  • queries and databases.


T:  +49 6221 73920 730