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Data Format / AQDEF

Q-DAS ASCII transfer format

The advantages of using the same data format throughout your company are self-evident: measurement data from a variety of measurement systems can be centralized without complications, allowing for consistent data management and analysis. It is also the best way to compare company-wide results, since data need not be converted, which reduces the scope for errors.

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The advantages of using the same data format throughout your company are self-evident: measurement data from a variety of measurement systems can be centralized without complications, allowing for consistent data management and analysis. It is also the best way to compare company-wide results, since data need not be converted, which reduces the scope for errors.

This is even more effective when the measurement system manufacturer has had the Q DAS data format certified. Thanks to the successful use of this data format, a number of large companies have decided to insist on the mandatory use of this format when ordering new measurement systems.

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Advanced Quality Data Exchange Format

The AQDEF (Advanced Quality Data Exchange Format) working group was founded to specify a standardized data exchange format, binding requirements for data aquisition and data transfer between measurement system manufacturers and Q-DAS software products. .

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The AQDEF (Advanced Quality Data Exchange Format) working group was founded to specify a standardized data exchange format, binding requirements for data aquisition and data transfer between measurement system manufacturers and Q-DAS software products. .

It is the goal of the working group to reduce the effort for both measurement system manufacturers and end-customers by combining the requirements of multiple specifications for interfaces and data formats into one.

Requests / proposals relating to AQDEF

The work group is open for any questions and proposals. The representatives of the Q-DAS company will suggest them to the work group. Please make your enquiries in English or German, if possible.

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Quality Markup Language (QML)

It describes quality data in a structured form. QML is based on XML technology and conforms to the standard set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). In addition to the recognized Q-DAS ASCII transfer format, with QML Q-DAS is going to support a format for XML oriented data display.

The format itself is defined through the QML schema (XML schema file) which describes the elements allowed in a valid file containing data in XML format. A validation run of the data file against the schema file allows early recognition and localization of errors in the transfer data.



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