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Generating quality reports for thousands of parts can become a time consuming and cumbersome task. Although report templates have been adopted as a technique to reuse part of the design work, the creation of such templates still requires a great deal of time as well as experienced users in the use of template generation tools.

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Generating quality reports for thousands of parts can become a time consuming and cumbersome task. Although report templates have been adopted as a technique to reuse part of the design work, the creation of such templates still requires a great deal of time as well as experienced users in the use of template generation tools.

eMMA Illustrator is the perfect module for designing report templates. Its 3D interactive environment allows users to easily create scenes in which customized geometry views, feature sets, and information related to an inspection plan will be displayed.  In addition, the automatic generation of scenes can be used to considerably speed up the creation of report templates.

Standardized reports across eMMA modules and business units

The templates created with eMMA Illustrator are standard across all eMMA modules. Once a template is created it can be edited/copied/reused to automatically generate PDF reports or visualize the created scenes in a different eMMA module among other options.

Automatic generation of scenes

eMMA Illustrator allows the automatic generation of scenes reducing dramatically the time needed to create a report template. eMMA Illustrator uses information stored in the inspection plan to automatically group features into scenes according to the area, geometry, or assembly to which they belong.

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Easy and fast creation of report templates

Reusable templates across modules


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